BMR Dwarf Hybrid Pearl Millet
March 26, 2020Foxtail Millet
March 26, 2020Hybrid Pearl Millet
Rate : 10-28 lbs/ac
Pack Size : 50 lbs
Price Unit : bag
Pearl millet is a summer annual grass suited best for grazing or hay. Since it does not produce prussic acid, it is safer to graze than sorghum-sudangrass, particularly for horses. Classified as a tall growing, warm season annual grass with stems that grow in thick clumps with abundant leaves 1 ½ to 2 inches wide. Before planting, it is important to have a well-prepared firm seedbed. Planting time is from late May through July. Hybrid Pearl Millet can also be used as an excellent second crop as long as adequate moisture and growing season is available.
MANAGEMENT: Heavy fertilization is not required, but will respond favorably. It has the ability to produce in low fertility, sandy soils or heavily eroded soils especially if fertilized initially, and are top-dressed with nitrogen after each cutting for hay or heavy grazing. If weed control is necessary, use a herbicide recommended as safe for annual grasses. Prolonged periods of drought or stress will stop the growth process of hybrid millets. If conditions as such occurs it is recommended that you graze or clip the forage to trigger its re-growth.
GRAZING: The high palatability of hybrid millet is largely due to its leafy and fine-stemmed characteristics. The highly digestible plant has low fiber and low lignin content which will naturally decrease stalk strength. Key to Maximum Yield: Good management… Learn all you can about the product, monitor its progress, follow management guidelines, and utilize it to its full forage potential. Makes a high quality , abundant forage. Depending on conditions, it should be ready to graze in 4-6 weeks after planting. Feed value will begin to decrease after the pre-boot stage (approximately 4 feet) After grazing, cut the stalks back to about 6 inches to allow uniform re-growth. Immune to prussic acid poisoning
HAYING: For best results, process at approximately 3 feet (before seed heads develop). Processing at manageable heights shortens curing time and speeds regrowth. Leave a 6 inch stubble. Crimping while cutting will speed up curing. Works equally well in large or small bales or stacks.
Green Chop/Silage. Silage may be blended with corn or other forage silage. The protein content will compliment the energy level of corn.
MATURITY: 65-70 DAYS to flowering – 90-100 Day Maturity
SEED SIZE: 80,000 seeds/lb.
PLANTING RATE: 12 to 15 lbs.
DEPTH OF PLANTING: approximately ½ to 1 inch deep.
Plant when soil temperature is at least 60 degrees for best results.
Weight | 50.0 lbs |